UniGR - Formation transfrontalière: AMASE - Erasmus Mundus Master in Advanced Material Science and Engineering (M.Sc.)

Formation transfrontalière UniGR: AMASE - Erasmus Mundus Master in Advanced Material Science and Engineering (M.Sc.) - Source: UniGR

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated January 17, 2025, 16:26 (UTC)
Created March 31, 2023, 13:34 (UTC)
GUID 7542c173-d6fb-4ffd-82d3-923a3bdf6552
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long 8.68
bbox-north-lat 51.04
bbox-south-lat 47.75
bbox-west-long 2.84
contact-email thierry.hengen@mat.etat.lu
coupled-resource []
dataset-reference-date [{"type": "creation", "value": "2023-03-08T00:00:00"}]
equivalent-scale {250000}
frequency-of-update asNeeded
graphic-preview-file https://geocatalogue.geoportail.lu/geonetwork/gis-gr/api/records/7542c173-d6fb-4ffd-82d3-923a3bdf6552/attachments/UniGR_AMASE_Msc.PNG
harvest_object_id b9be016e-35b6-4302-b8a2-712222586070
harvest_source_id fd309954-106e-4682-8f34-4be653cae1dc
harvest_source_title sig-grande-region
licence []
metadata-date 2025-01-14T08:56:49
metadata-language fre
progress completed
resource-type dataset
responsible-organisation-1 {"contact-info": {"city": "Luxembourg", "phone": "", "address": "4, Place de l'Europe", "online-resource": {"url": "", "function": "", "protocol": "", "name": "", "description": ""}, "postal-code": "1499", "email": "thierry.hengen@mat.etat.lu"}, "role": "author", "organisation-name": "SIG-GR - Minist\u00e8re de l'Energie et de l'Am\u00e9nagement du territoire - D\u00e9partement de l'am\u00e9nagement du territoire", "individual-name": "Thierry Hengen", "position-name": ""}
responsible-party [{"name": "SIG-GR - Minist\u00e8re de l'Energie et de l'Am\u00e9nagement du territoire - D\u00e9partement de l'am\u00e9nagement du territoire", "roles": ["author"]}]
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[2.84, 47.75], [8.68, 47.75], [8.68, 51.04], [2.84, 51.04], [2.84, 47.75]]]}
spatial-reference-system http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/3857
spatial_harvester true