A dataset of leaf inclination angles for temperate and boreal broadleaf woody species
Data and Resources
Web application
Original File Metadata
Annals of Forest Science
Data Paper
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | August 1, 2023, 15:51 (UTC) |
Created | August 1, 2023, 15:51 (UTC) |
GUID | c1197b55-a582-4ed4-82bc-7008ce9294d9 |
access_constraints | [] |
bbox-east-long | 27.32 |
bbox-north-lat | 59.37 |
bbox-south-lat | 42.54 |
bbox-west-long | -72.17 |
contact-email | fchianucci@gmail.com |
coupled-resource | [] |
dataset-reference-date | [{"type": "creation", "value": "2017-09-12T12:00:00"}] |
equivalent-scale | {} |
frequency-of-update | |
harvest_object_id | b4f7cefc-5e6f-4854-80e1-85166fcdfea5 |
harvest_source_id | a2727de8-601c-473a-959f-b698a5477388 |
harvest_source_title | inrae |
licence | ["Numeric table"] |
lineage | |
metadata-date | 2018-05-03T09:39:28 |
metadata-language | eng |
progress | Completed |
resource-type | dataset |
responsible-organisation-1 | {"contact-info": {"city": "Rome", "phone": "null", "address": "via della Navicella 2-4", "online-resource": "", "postal-code": "00184", "email": "fchianucci@gmail.com"}, "role": "", "organisation-name": "CREA-AA", "individual-name": "CHIANUCCI Francesco", "position-name": ""} |
responsible-organisation-2 | {"contact-info": {"city": "Tartuuma", "phone": "", "address": "T\u00f5ravere", "online-resource": "", "postal-code": "61602\u00a0", "email": "janpisek@gmail.com"}, "role": "", "organisation-name": "Tartu Observatory", "individual-name": "PISEK Jan", "position-name": ""} |
responsible-organisation-3 | {"contact-info": {"city": "Tartuuma", "phone": "", "address": "T\u00f5ravere", "online-resource": "", "postal-code": "61602\u00a0", "email": "kairi.raabe@gmail.com"}, "role": "", "organisation-name": "Tartu Observatory", "individual-name": "RAABE Kairi", "position-name": ""} |
responsible-organisation-4 | {"contact-info": {"city": "Arezzo", "phone": "", "address": "viale S. Margherita 80", "online-resource": "", "postal-code": "52100", "email": "luca.marchino@crea.gov.it"}, "role": "", "organisation-name": "CREA-FL", "individual-name": "MARCHINO Luca", "position-name": ""} |
responsible-organisation-5 | {"contact-info": {"city": "Arezzo", "phone": "", "address": "viale S. Margherita 80", "online-resource": "", "postal-code": "52100", "email": "carlottaferrara@gmail.com"}, "role": "", "organisation-name": "CREA-FL", "individual-name": "FERRARA Carlotta", "position-name": ""} |
responsible-organisation-6 | {"contact-info": {"city": "Arezzo", "phone": "", "address": "viale S. Margherita 80", "online-resource": "", "postal-code": "52100", "email": "piermaria.corona@crea.gov.it"}, "role": "", "organisation-name": "CREA-FL", "individual-name": "CORONA Piermaria", "position-name": ""} |
responsible-party | [{"name": "CREA-AA", "roles": [""]}, {"name": "Tartu Observatory", "roles": [""]}, {"name": "CREA-FL", "roles": [""]}] |
spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-72.17, 42.54], [27.32, 42.54], [27.32, 59.37], [-72.17, 59.37], [-72.17, 42.54]]]} |
spatial-data-service-type | |
spatial-reference-system | |
spatial-representation-type | |
spatial_harvester | true |
temporal-extent-begin | 2011-05-10 |
temporal-extent-end | 2017-07-04 |
use-constraints-1 | "Numeric table" |