Recensement des équipements communautaires stakeholder
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Communes concernées par la loi Montagne
Communes du Grand Est concernées par l'application de la loi Montagne entre le 01/11 et le 31/03 -
DONNEES - Potentiel financier et Effort fiscal des communes de la région Gran...
Les données fiscales de la DGCL ont été exploitées pour permettre de situer chaque commune par rapport au potentiel financier et à l'effort fiscal moyen de sa strate... -
DONNEES - ENVIRONNEMENT - HAUT-RHIN : Inventaire des Zones Humides du Haut-Rh...
L’Inventaire des Zones Humides du Haut-Rhin (IZH68) a été réalisé à partir d’une méthodologie élaborée par la Collectivité européenne d’Alsace. Il s’agit d’un outil d’aide à la... -
Geographic variation of tree height of Pinus pinaster Aiton gathered from com...
The dataset contains individual and georeferenced tree height from a network of 14 common gardens of Pinus pinaster Aiton planted between 1966 and 1992 and located in France,... -
EuMIXFOR Scots pine - European beech data.
This data set provides unique empirical data from triplets of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) across Europe. Dendrometric variables are... -
Geographic variation of tree height of Pinus pinea L. gathered from common ga...
The dataset contains individual and georeferenced tree height from a network of 9 common gardens of Pinus pinea L. planted between years 1993 and 1997 and located in France and... -
The EU Archive Index Database (EU-AIDB) customised for the Carbon Budget Mode...
The AIDB is the Microsoft Access database behind the CBM-CFS3 that stores default ecological information and parameters pertaining to the forest ecosystems of a country, among... -
A genomic data set of single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) generated by ddR...
This genomic dataset provides highly variable SNP markers from georeferenced natural Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. populations collected in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia,... -
Comparaison drought response sessile and pedonculate oak -
NFI 2012 water budgets and drought stress indicators database
(i) Key message: The NFIWADS database contains aggregated results for the German National Forest Inventory (NFI) plots based on process-based water balance simulations. More... -
Dendrometric data of silvicultural scenarios from the French National Forests...
The different silvicultural guides written by experts from the French National Forests Office were built using growth and yield model simulations. This database gather various... -
A spatial dataset of forest mensuration collected in black pine plantations i...
This dataset has been developed during the A2 Action of the SelPiBio LIFE project (www.selpibio.eu). The main aim of this project is demonstrate the effects of two thinning... -
A 14-year series of leaf phenological data collected for European beech (Fagu...
We present a dataset of leaf phenology observations on two forest tree species, European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). Observations were carried... -
A spatio-temporal dataset of forest mensuration for the analysis of tree spec...
We performed replicated, repeated-measures data of height, diameter and vitality at tree level to allow analysis of the spatial and temporal structure and diversity of a... -
A dataset of forest volume deadwood estimates for Europe
Under the auspices of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP-Forests) a large-scale forest condition... -
Provisioning forest and conservation science with high-resolution maps of pot...
We developed a dataset of the potential distribution of seven ecologically and economically important tree species of Europe in terms of their climatic suitability with an... -
Geographic variation of tree height of Pinus nigra Arn. gathered from common ...
The dataset contains individual and georeferenced tree height from a network of 15 common gardens of Pinus nigra Arn. planted between 1968-2009 and located in France, Germany... -
A detailed time series of hourly circumference variations in Pinus pinea L. i...
The dataset provides digital dendrometer measurements on stem circumference of irrigated and non-irrigated Pinus pinea trees. Data were obtained in a xeric non-native habitat of...